Inner TRIM3 Masthead
New Earner Disregard:

This refers to a special 100% disregard used for recipient units that were non-earners when first on TANF, but which now have earnings. In some formulas, the new earner unit must be working a specified minimum number of hours-per-week, and/or have started the new earnings within a specified number of months of starting TANF. These minimum hours and "start-by" months are specified in the description of the formula. In all cases, the special disregard can be used only for a limited number of months (also specified in the formula description), these months must be used consecutively, but they do NOT count towards any time limit in effect for the regular disregard. Also, in the months this new earner disregard is used, units are not subject to the gross income test if IncomeTestsOption = 4.